Summer of Tech

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Bootcamp Highlights; Create Camp Warm-Up

This is it! The warm-up and introductory talk for the infamous Create Camp Auckland! To help everyone attending the event get the most out of the action-packed weekend, Trent (CEO of Summer of Tech and Biz) and a talented group from Pushpay gave us a rundown of what will be happening.During the weekend, we were told that we would be forming teams and responding to an API challenge. This challenge was simply to use any API or dataset to build something cool. This could be a data visualisation or working web or mobile app. On the Sunday evening, all of the teams get the opportunity to show a live demonstration to everyone else, including a panel of judges as it is also a competition! Although it would be nice to win, it is most important for you to focus on just getting involved, having fun, and learning as much as possible because we will be surrounded by a large amount of industry workers to help us.Best of luck to all of the coders and designers attending the weekend!