Summer of Tech

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Bootcamp Highlights - Hacking Your Learning

Guest blog by Kimberley HaywardLast Friday we were lucky enough to have our founder John Clegg present at Victoria University and share with us some tips and tricks, as well as dispel some myths, to improve how we study and therefore learn.To start with, when doing your own individual study, make sure you have a distraction free environment, and plan out what it is you want to get out of the session, before you start.Myth One: highlighting does not work! If you want to learn something, write it out again, and always take your notes by hand, you’ll remember more than if you type. If you’re finding that you’re doing a lot of study but not gaining much from it, maybe your method of study doesn’t work for your personal learning style. A fun and useful exercise to do is take a quiz, such as this one:, and work out what your learning style is, then you can style how you study to better suit you!Another important tip: don’t forget to get feedback whenever you can, especially after an assignment and test, it’s an important way to make sure you’re on track and get suggestions as to how you can improve.And lastly, finding it hard to stay awake when studying? Mint is a great way to keep you alert, though best to try something like mint tea rather than Mentos, less sugar is better!