Summer of Tech

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Bootcamp Highlights - Javascript 101 (part 1)

Guest post by Kimberley HaywardIn this bootcamp we went over the basics of JavaScript and then got to try doing some cool things with it. JavaScript is a pretty interesting language and with it you can do a lot of different things, from working with websites to working with music. The main downsides: Everything should be backward compatible and if you break the language, you break the web!To start off the coding aspect of this bootcamp we altered already existing websites using the inspect tool, changing things such as text and colours. Next, we moved on to writing some code ourselves. From assigning variables, to doing math, we also made customised alerts and simple functions. This bootcamp was a great chance for people who haven’t used JavaScript before, or who are just starting out to get a basic understanding of how it works and what sort of things they can do with it. It was the first in a series of four bootcamps on JavaScript related topics so be sure to keep an eye out for the next ones and register!