Summer of Tech

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Bootcamp Highlights: JavaScript 101 by Justin Vos

Written by Yekti Crow

What is JavaScript? How does JavaScript work? Why is JavaScript so great? Why is JavaScript not so great? What can I do with JavaScript?Those are the common questions students may have before attending this bootcamp. Justin Vos is a Senior Web Developer at Spark New Zealand and a long time mentor at Summer of Tech. He has delivered bootcamp covering multiple topics such as JavaScript, APIs and back-end development to university students looking to get industry experience.JavaScript is the language that powers dynamic web sites! If you're going to work in tech, chances are you'll have to work with JS at some point, so come along to Javascript 101, try out some JavaScript for yourself and learn all about this incredibly popular and powerful language! JavaScript is the number 1 most used programming language (Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2019).Justin gave students a quick refresher on HTML and the syntax behind it. Then followed by a demo on simple common Javascript functions including event listeners for mouse clicks and injecting HTML code from your Javascript functions. Students also learnt the differences between using var, let and const for variables in Javascript. The bootcamp was wrapped by Q&A session where he shared some helpful Javascript tips such as using event listeners for click events over using the "onclick" attribute in html.

Summer of Tech have free coding, design and career bootcamps in Wellington, Auckland and online all year long! To access them, register here.