Summer of Tech

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How to survive your company holiday season party

Despite the cheery decorations and mini mince pies, the holiday season party can be a daunting time. Especially if you're new to the office, navigating workplace etiquette is a bit of a challenge. How many drinks should you have? Can you talk to the big boss like it's no big deal? No stress - we're putting your fears to rest with our guide on how to survive your company festive party.

Take the opportunity to chat with new people!

The beauty of a work party is that it's a chance to mingle with people outside of your team. If you're in a small company, this is less relevant as your desk is likely a few feet from the C.E.O, but for bigger companies this is a somewhat rare occasion. Grab the bull by the horns, and go say hi to the crew from HR. You never know, that connection could be useful in the future, and now you've got one more friendly face in the office!

Don't talk about work...too much.

You're at work 40 hours a week, so take this time to remove yourself from desk life for a few hours. You might discover your office neighbour has the same taste in music as you, and boom! you've got yourself a new gig buddy. There's lots more to your workmates than Slack gifs and email threads, so take the chance to find out more about them over free alcohol and mini mince pies.

Speaking of alcohol...

Moderation is your best friend when it comes to alcohol in a work setting. Although free alcohol is tempting, know your limits and stick to them! There's nothing worse than coming to work on a Monday morning and wondering why everyone's looking at you funny. You could have sworn that nothing happened at the work party, although your memory is kinda fuzzy...

Have fun!

Most importantly - have a good time! Although these are tips on how to survive your company party, it's important to also just relax and enjoy yourself. These events are supposed to be fun, so get in the holiday spirit and celebrate the year that’s been.